Transdanube Travel Stories Sustainable mobility linking Danube Travel Stories
The Danube region is rich in cultural and natural heritage. Whereas there are already many initiatives dealing with conservation and research, the project recognises sustainable tourism as another important option to use and preserve this heritage. European Cultural Routes and the other networks represented in this project set first steps to valorise these assets in that direction.
Recognizing the vast cultural and natural heritage, the project Transdanube Travel Stories aims at supporting sustainable tourism in the Danube region by implementing innovative promotion concepts (new narratives) and sustainable mobility management tools.
- The development of new narratives is the strategy to promote the Danube macro-region as touristic area. Single sites do not attract tourists, but linking selected sites to a story (along a trail) that can be experienced will create interest and lead to a Danube memory.
- The integration of mobility management instruments (mobility managers, mobility centres, mobility plans) in institutional structures at route and destination level will make it easier for tourists to experience the new narratives by using environmentally-friendly means of transport and therefore limit the negative, transport related consequences of raising tourist numbers.
- The establishment of tourism product clubs at destination level and improved thematic and institutional linkages between the European Cultural Routes and other networks will strengthen the cooperation between the key actors and will increase their capacities to promote sustainable tourism in the Danube region.
New narratives and mobility management together with advanced institutional capacities will provide the framework to better position the Danube as a unique sustainable tourism destination on the market resulting in more European citizens experiencing European cultural and natural heritage in a sustainable way.
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- Start date
- 01-07-2020
- End date
- 31-12-2022
- Budget in Euro
- Overall: 1820926.66
- ERDF Contribution: 1502950.15
- IPA Contribution: 44837.5
- ENI Contribution: 0
- Call number
- Call 3
- Priority
- Environment and culture responsible Danube region
- Specific objective
- Foster sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage and resources
Project Partners
Name | Type | Country | |
Environment Agency Austria | Lead partner | | Austria |
Danube Office Ulm/Neu-Ulm | ERDF partner | | Germany |
WGD Danube Upper Austria Tourism Ltd. | ERDF partner | | Austria |
Tourism Board Linz | ERDF partner | | Austria |
West Pannon Regional and Economic Development Public Nonprofit Ltd | ERDF partner | | Hungary |
Project News
Transdanube Travel Stories - Final Conference, Linz - 24 November
- 05-12-2022The Danube. A river that defines all of us who live around it. Long, rich, offering a million treasures. And it is full of stories. Wherever we go, wherever we meet, thousands of stories are told about nature, history, beauty, people, and the...
Transdanube Travel Stories - Welcome to Hrvatsko Podunavlje - the Danube kingdom of wines and natural pearls
- 19-11-2022 -
Transdanube Travel Stories - Follow the closing conference online
- 19-11-2022Dear Danube Partners! Let us take you on a journey along the Danube! We will start at the source of the Danube river and tell you six stories about the vast cultural and natural heritage that evolve from destination to destination along...
Transdanube Travel Stories - VELO MARTINI - Pilgrimage on bicycle
- 15-11-2022 -
Transdanube Travel Stories - Slovenia Green Pannonian Route - Green Travel Product
- 19-10-2022