Launch of the Green Finance Alliance 

Nine financial companies commit to climate protection alliance

The first nine members of Austria's first Green Finance Alliance are true pioneers: Allianz Elementar Versicherungs-AG, BKS Bank AG, fair-finance Vorsorgekasse AG, HYPO Oberösterreich, Raiffeisenbank Gunskirchen eGen, UniCredit Bank Austria AG, UNIQA Insurance Group AG, VBV Pensionskasse AG und VBV Vorsorgekasse AG responded to the call of the Ministry for Climate Action (BMK) and were successful with their application for membership in the Alliance. At the launch event in Vienna on 9 May 2022, they reaffirmed their joint commitment to green finance and the achievement of the Paris climate goals.

Printable group picture of the members of the Green Finance Alliance (JPEG, 7 MB)

Group photo of the members of Green Finance Alliance
from left to right: Andreas Brandstetter (UNIQA Insurance Group AG), Gernot Heschl (VBV Pensionskasse AG), Rémi Vrignaud (Allianz Elementar Versicherungs-AG), Markus Zeilinger (fair-finance Vorsorgekasse AG), Herta Stockbauer (BKS Bank), Hubert Pupeter (Raiffeisenbank Gunskrichen eGen), Andreas Zakostelsky (VBV-Vorsorgekasse AG), Leonore Gewessler (Federal Minister), Robert Zadrazil (UniCredit Bank Austria), Klaus Kumpfmüller (HYPO Oberösterreich); photo: BMK
Group photo with Federal Minister and staff of BMK and Environment Agency Austria
from left to right: Stefan Sengelin (BMK), Christoph Frischer (Environment Agency Austria), Natalie Glas (Environment Agency Austria), Caroline Vogl-Lang (BMK), Leonore Gewessler (Federal Minister), Michaela Seelig (BMK), Stephan Renner (BMK), Mabel Reitbauer (BMK), Pedram Payami (Environment Agency Austria), Jürgen Schneider (BMK); photo: BMK