Convening Body  Green Finance Alliance

Convening Body is responsible for the strategic management of all activities taking a part in the Green Finance Alliance as well as for the management of the contracts. The call for applications for the Green Finance Alliance is issued by the BMK.

Ausschreibende Stelle und Vertragspartner des Mitglieds der Green Finance Alliance (BMK)

The BMK is responsible for issuing the call for applications for the Green Finance Alliance. The Green Finance Alliance is based on the implementation of the Green Finance Agenda, which is outlined in the government program 2020–2024. Within the BMK, Department VI/3 Green Finance and Sustainable Economy is responsible for the Green Finance Alliance. The Convening Body is responsible for the strategic management of all activities taking place within the framework of the Green Finance Alliance as well as for the contractual handling.


Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK)
Department VI/3 Green Finance and Sustainable Economy

Contact person:
Caroline Vogl-Lang