Observer Group
The Observer Group of the Green Finance Alliance provides interested stakeholders an the opportunity for a closer exchange as well comprehensive information on the developments within the initiative. Institutions, companies, NGOs and interest groups that are not yet members of the Green Finance Alliance or the Expert Advisory Board can become part of the Observer Group.
Many stakeholders expressed great interest in a regular exchange on developments within the Green Finance Alliance. Therefore, the observer group was established in February 2023. Currently, there are 50 observers from more than 30 different institutions including financial institutions, consulting firms and NGOs.
Members of the Observer Group can participate in formats such as webinars or bilateral deep dives. They further have the opportunity to share their experience and expertise on relevant topics with the BMK and the Environment Agency. This makes Green Finance Alliance Observers important multipliers raising awareness for the initiative. Please note that the Observer Group is not part of the Green Finance Alliance's governance structure. Therefore, it has no decision making power in this respect. Participation is free of charge.
The Observer Group aims at following stakeholders:
- Consulting firms, rating agencies and environmental reviewers
- Interest groups, industry-associated associations and societies
- Interested financial companies (that are not members of the Green Finance Alliance)
- International initiatives
- NGOs
- Specialized institutions in the financial sector
- Government and EU institutions
- Representatives of other stakeholder groups who are interested in current developments in the Green Finance Alliance
Becoming a member of the Green Finance Alliance Observer Group
You want to become a member of the Observer Group? Please find all necessary information in the Terms of Reference below (all in german). The completed form is then to be send to