Climate and Energy Fund

The Climate and Energy Fund supports energy-related research projects, environmentally compatible transport projects and measures to bring climate-friendly energy technologies to market.

Logo: Climate and Energy Fund
photo: Klima- und Energiefonds

The Climate and Energy Fund was established on the basis of the Act on the Climate and Energy Fund (Klima- und Energiefondsgesetz) in July 2007. It supports the Federal Government in its efforts to implement sustainable energy supply, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and implement the climate strategy, and has evolved into a major driving force behind Austria's climate policy.

A promotion volume of up to EUR 150 million is available to the Climate Fund for climate protection projects and for sustainable energy supply each year. With this money, the Climate Fund boosts innovative projects and awards contracts, all of which make a significant contribution towards an eco-friendly and energy-saving future. Two key criteria in this context are efficiency and sustainability.

Goal: Transformation of the energy system

By establishing the Climate Fund, the Austrian Federal Government created a strategically important tool designed to drive the transition from a central, fossil energy supply system towards a smart regional energy mix. The Climate Fund programmes aim at addressing the entire innovation chain from research to market launch.

Programme target areas

The tasks of the Climate Fund are incorporated into law. All of the Climate Fund's promotion measures and activities focus on three target areas defined in the Climate and Energy Fund Act.

  • Research
    Research and development in the area of sustainable energy technologies as well as climate and climate impact research
  • Transport
    Boosting projects in the area of public local and regional transport, environmentally friendly goods transport as well as multimodal transport systems via the action programme klimaaktiv mobil
  • Market penetration
    Promoting projects for raising people's awareness and for testing sustainable energy technologies and bringing them onto the market

Catalyst for energy innovation

For the allocation of funds, the Climate Fund develops specific programmes in the areas of research, transport and market penetration. The Climate Fund is as much a supporter of innovation as it is a catalyst for the introduction and implementation of climate-relevant and sustainable measures and energy technologies. The focus areas of its activities and the allocation of funds to the three programme target areas are defined by the Climate Fund's executive board on an annual basis.

Current focus areas

The Climate Fund supports actions taken in the areas of buildings, mobility, production and energy supply that focus specifically on sectors that are currently responsible for most of the greenhouse gas emissions. The Climate Fund contributes essentially towards building the necessary scientific foundations of climate protection that form the sound basis for the development of a sustainable future.

The Climate Fund's promotional programme helps to implement new and innovative funding frameworks, adds to existing subsidy schemes and delivers added value by providing additional funds.