Implementation plan
Electromobility in and from Austria
State-of-the-art technology developed and produced in the "innovation country" Austria contributes vitally to the gradual implementation of electromobility in domestic, European, and international transport systems, it strengthens the business location, creates new jobs, and helps to reduce, by the growing use of renewable energies, as well as an increased energy efficiency, emissions generated in transport, and thus to protect climate and environment.
In the sense of a common road, the federal ministries BMLRT (formerly BMNT), BMK (formerly BMVIT), and BMBWF (formerly BMWFJ) have worked out, at the request of the Federal Government, the present implementation plan for electromobility IN and FROM Austria, with measures to be initiated short-term based on a broad consultation process. The activities, to be harmonised interactively, aim at establishing optimum conditions paving the way for electromobility in everyday performance quickly, on the one hand, and on the other, to use the opportunities entailed for Austria as best as possible.
So as to implement electromobility in the transport and energy systems in Austria, steps have to be consistently taken to launch and establish intelligent incentives systems on the market, raise awareness for new mobility solutions, and maximise positive impacts on the environment.
[published in June 2012, Vienne, by BMK (formerly BMVIT)]
Implementation plan: Electromobility in and from Austria (PDF, 660 KB)