Aviation Strategy 2040+
Climate-friendly and future-oriented aviation – An implementation strategy within the framework of the Mobility Master Plan

The Austrian overall strategy 2040+ for the aviation sector consists of the two sub-strategies Aviation Strategy 2040+ (PDF, 331 KB) and RTI Strategy for Aviation 2040+ (only in German), which together point the way to decarbonisation according to the Mobility Master Plan 2030. Both strategies are closely interwoven in their implementation and should therefore always be considered together.
The Aviation Strategy 2040+ is the comprehensive, strategic overall concept for the air transport sector in Austria. A very wide range of topics is covered and strategic goals and measures are defined in the various areas, such as climate and environmental protection, integration into the overall transport system (intermodality), competitiveness of the business location, recovery after the covid-19 pandemic, employment and social standards, digitization, technological change and drones.
Aviation Strategy 2040+ (PDF, 331 KB)
Second sub-strategy of the overall Austrian strategy: RTI Strategy for Aviation 2040+ (only in German)