klimaaktiv mobil Subsidisation Guideline 2013 For the klimaaktiv mobil Subsidisation Programme of the Federal Ministry

The subsidisation guideline klimaaktiv mobil constitutes an important basis of the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism to support Austria’s enterprises, communities, and associations with the implementation of projects for clean, low-CO2 mobility. The subsidies comprise electro-mobility and alternative drives with renewable energies, climate-friendly mobility management, measures for the promotion of bicycle traffic and new, innovative, flexible mobility services.
The Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH (KPC) has been entrusted with the tasks of a settlement agency. The respective topical subsidisation priorities and subsidisation offensives, further information, contacts, as well as documents on subsidisation are available at umweltfoerderung.at. The complete wording of the Subsidisation Guideline can also be downloaded from the website of Kommunalkredit Public Consulting GmbH umweltfoerderung.at.
Read here more about the klimaaktiv mobil - climate protection initiative of the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism!
You can also learn everything worth knowing about the klimaaktiv mobil initiative of the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism at klimaaktivmobil.at.