Green Chemistry master program
On June 24, 2020, the BMK, in cooperation with the Environment Agency Austria, founded the "Green Chemistry" platform, which currently consists of approximately 70 members. A national work program is developed in the platform and implemented with the support of the members in the working groups. One of the most successful work packages is the establishment of a master course on Green Chemistry, which is held at three universities in Vienna, and is coordinated by the Vienna University of Technology under Professor Marko Mihovilovic.
The trilateral master program "Green Chemistry" was established in cooperation of the Vienna University of Technology, with the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna, and the University of Vienna, and will start in the winter semester 2022. The aim of this program is to realize clean technologies and innovations in the field of Green Chemistry, which are oriented towards the UN Sustainability Goals, as well as to contribute to a future circular economy. Thus, a holistic approach to a new understanding of chemistry towards a sustainable industry and society is trained, following the principles of green chemistry.
The study programme, which is held in English, consists of 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) and is divided into the following assignments:
- Fundamentals of Green Chemistry
- Mandatory Electives
- Free Electives and Transferable Skills
- Master Thesis