Energy Transition Index Austria ranks sixth worldwide

Austria moves up two places from last year to become 6th worldwide on the energy transition index.

Renewable energy
Photovoltaic system, photo: BMLRT / Alexander Haiden

Without an energy transition, no country will be able to achieve its climate goals. The point is to move away from fossil energy sources and scale up renewable energy sources. Austria has been quite successful. On the Energy Transition Index ETI), Austria was able to move up two places from last year and now ranks sixth in the list of 115 surveyed countries. Only Denmark, Finland, Norway, Switzerland and Sweden did better. Therefore, Austria belongs to the vanguard in the energy transition.

For the Energy Transition Index, the World Economic Forum surveys the energy transition status in 115 countries. The countries are rated on the basis of two equally weighted factors: transition readiness and system performance. A country's performance in each of these dimensions is measured in percent.

Austria achieved 71 percent in both dimensions. In terms of transition readiness, Austria even made it to number 3 worldwide. This factor takes into account the political, economic and social conditions needed to ensure successful implementation of the energy transition. The applicable criteria include the availability of investments, effective regulation, political commitment and the current energy system's flexibility.

For the system performance dimension, the status of the energy transition is assessed. The ability of the current energy architecture in each country to meet the imperatives of the energy triangle is measured: economic development and growth, energy security and access as well as environmental sustainability.

You will find the Energy Transition Index on the website of the World Economic Forum.