Transport Policy of the European Union (EU)

In the European Union there is a range of useful and forward-looking programmes to modulate transport nowadays for the generation tomorrow.

The flag of the European Union

The body of greatest significance to Austria's transport policy is unquestionably the European Union (EU).

The transport ministers of the EU Member States meet twice in each six-month period, sitting as the Council of EU Transport Ministers. At these meetings issues of importance to the whole EU are discussed, decisions are taken and legal instruments are adopted.

In addition, at the initiative of the Member State currently holding the EU presidency, the transport ministers may meet informally to discuss matters of fundamental importance.

Officials from the Federal Ministry take part in the meetings of a dozen or so working parties in Brussels, which sit throughout the year and prepare for the ministerial meetings.

TEN-T / RFC in Austria

Austria as landlocked country located in Central Europe is fully embedded in the Trans-European Network and actively contributes to achieving the overall objective of an integrated and harmonised trans-continental transport network. Regarding the large-scale international transport corridors, Austria has repeatedly been able to underline the European added value of its transport projects, in particular since the establishment of the current TEN-T framework in 2013.