Innovation, competitiveness and internationalization

The BMK aims to strengthen the competitiveness of Austrian companies through a broad range of funding schemes for research, development and innovation. These schemes are open to all branches of industry and research topics and address various project phases and sizes – from idea generation and feasibility studies, to project initiation, to actual RTI projects and implementation. Furthermore, tailor-made funding schemes for start-ups are available. 

As a result, the BMK enables the development of innovative products, processes and services and thus supports the competitiveness, resilience and transformation of Austrian companies. 

All funding is administered by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and Austria Wirtschaft Gesellschaft mbH (AWS).

Funding for R&D entry, planning and preparation

  • Innovationsscheck - SME voucher for initiating research activities with a scientific partner 
  • Ökoscheck - SME voucher for taking steps towards a climate-neutral and sustainable economy
  • Projekt.start - for the preparatory work for a specific research project

Funding for the protection and exploitation of R&D results

  • Patent.Scheck - voucher for patent registration and patent monitoring 
  • Innovationsschutz advanced (Green.IP) - grants and mentoring to protect green technologies 
  • IÖB - promoting innovations through public procurement 

Support for start-ups

  • Start-up companies receive specific benefits for R&D projects through the FFG General Programme like higher funding quotas, delayed loan repayment and bonuses for high-tech start-ups
  • AWS Seedfinancing Deep-Tech supports innovative start-ups and scale-ups 

Funding for R&D projects

  • Research and development projects can be funded as company projects (also in cooperation with companies or scientific partners)
  • General Programme - Company projects for all company sizes with a clear focus on exploitation 
  • Small project - funding for “smaller” research projects specifically designed for SMEs and start-ups
  • Impact Innovation – initiating process and organizational innovations (bottom-up)
  • Markt.start – support for start-ups in their market entry
  • Collective Research - cooperative research in sector projects (international with the CORNET initiative)
  • Green Frontrunner – funding for R&D projects and investments in research transition projects with a focus on climate and environmental protection