Federal Waste Management Plan 2017

25 years after the first Federal Waste Management Plan (BAWP) the seventh edition, BAWP 2017, was published.

The Federal Minister for Sustainability and Tourism is required to draft a Federal Waste Management Plan at least once every six years, to implement the objectives and principles of the Waste Management Act of 2002. After public participation, the Federal Waste Management Plan 2017 was published in two parts.

Part 1 of the BAWP 2017 comprises a description of the situation of waste management, the description of the measures carried out and planned to meet the requirements of the 2002 Waste Management Act, principles of treatment as well as the waste prevention programme.

Part 2 describes the guidelines for transboundary waste shipment and contains sample photographs on many entries of the  Green List of Wastes as well as counterexamples of wastes subject to notification from the Yellow List of Wastes. It is intended as a decision aid for control institutions and others active in the field when applying the EU Waste Shipment Regulation, no. 1013/2006.

The report on the public participation process and on the decisions taken is mentioned separately.

Chapters 2 through 4 of the BAWP 2017 have meanwhile been updated (Status report 2018 in German (PDF, 6 MB)).

Part 1, Federal Waste Management Plan 2017 (PDF, 5 MB)

Part 2, Federal Waste Management Plan 2017 (PDF, 4 MB)


As of 1 January 2021, new entries for plastic waste apply. These changes have been introduced to strengthen the control of transboundary movements of plastic waste and to ensure its environmentally sound recovery.

National Guidance Document: Classification of plastic waste in the context of transboundary shipment